क्षमता निर्माण / केंद्र

  • Officers/Officials: Officers/officials working at different levels, have been trained in SPNF. These officers/officials have now been deputed further for implementation of the programme in their respective area.
  • Progressive Farmers: One Progressive farmer per Panchayat would be selected and will be trained in SPNF. Based on performance of these farmers, they can be further designated as Samooh Karyakarta or Samudayik karyakarta. Farmer once trained may not necessarily be designated as classified resource person, but performance would be main criteria for selecting farmers as resource persons.
  • General Farmers: All farmers in the Panchayat would be trained in SPNF by the trained farmers and SPNF team. Trained farmers will motivate and provide complete handholding support to other farmers in adoption of SPNF and would be supported by district SPNF team. Initially farmers may not put their 100% land under SPNF, but may be convinced to practice SPNF in smaller unit and may cover the total area in phased manner.
Mass awareness: Department would organize mass awareness programmes on SPNF involving suitable resource persons. Large group of farmers would be invited to attend the programme.
Kisan Goshthis: State and District Unit would organize kisan goshthis at District and block level to educate farmers about natural farming. Respective SAUs and KVKs will also be associated in district and block level programmes. Universities would also organize programme on SPNF awareness in their respective campus.

Government Assistance to farmers

  • Purchase of Indigenous/Desi Cow:
    SPNF is totally based on domestic cow breeds and availability of high yielding domestic cow breed germplasm would be ensured by Animal Husbandry Department. Department of Animal Husbandry would submit separate work plan to ensure availability of domestic cows in selected Districts and other areas. The subsidy of 50% subject to maximum of Rs. 25000/- would be given to SPNF practising farmers as per the scheme of Animal Husbandry Department in collaboration with NABARD.
  • Prakritik Kheti Sansadhan Bhandar:
    All farmers in the village may not have a local cow or unable to rear. To facilitate such farmers, it is approved in the guidelines that lump-sump assistance of Rs 50000/ per Bhandar would be provided for running of the Bhandar. It may include packaging material, cowshed lining, drums as per requirement or any other material required. This bhandar will cater to the requirement of needy farmers in the village on nominal cost.
  • Lining of cowshed:
    Urine of indigenous cow is an important input in the SPNF concept. To facilitate collection of cow urine, it is proposed to provide 80% assistance subject to maximum of Rs 8000/ family.
  • On-Farm input Generation:
    SPNF concept advocates use of on-farm inputs in the production system to minimise the dependence on external inputs. Basic inputs are to be prepared at farm level from cowdung and urine of indigenous cows. Thus to facilitate on-farm input generation, financial assistance @ 75% will be provided to the farmers for purchase of plastic drums/tanks . three drums/tanks per family would be the maximum limit. Financial assistance would be limited to Rs 750/drum/tank.